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Link Love

A note about links. I love reading other people’s links because we all follow different blogs and others post great links that I may have missed. That said, I find it really difficult to keep up with everyone’s blogs and to post all the best links here every Friday. I don’t like to post only links to the usual suspects (Nathan Bransford, Kristen Nelson, et al), but with two little kids I don’t have time to keep up with the 100 (yes 100) writing and publishing blogs I subscribe to through Bloglines. So each week I will give you a smattering of my favorite posts, some of them more than a week old because it took me that long to read them, because that’s the best I can do. Enjoy!

First, a fabulous and comprehensive article in the New Yorker about the future of publishing.

And here, two interesting posts about how to build a fan base. Note these are dueling posts. The first one discusses the 1000 True Fans theory and the second explains why it doesn’t work. I agree that, particularly for writers, the theory doesn’t apply, but the posts got me thinking about the concept of the “true fan” versus the casual fan.

Next we have two great posts by Jacquelyn Wheeler, one about finding balance when receiving feedback and the other about overcoming laziness.

Elizabeth at Fog City Writer has a beautiful piece about a Korean fish market.

In case you missed it, a couple of weeks ago Samuel Park had a great post on the difference between being a writer and being someone who writes.

From J.P. at Sky Meets Ground, a great post on learning to say no.

And that’s it from me this week. Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you on Monday for Memoir Monday.

8 comments to Link Love

  • I really enjoy your Link Love posts. I've ended up following a lot of other blogs/news outlets thanks to your links.

  • Oh, thank you, Megan! That makes me feel like it's not a waste of time. Sometimes I wonder if anyone bothers to read them.

  • I had the New Yorker piece bookmarked too and finally got around to reading it this week. I really enjoyed their discussion.

    And ditto what Megan said. 🙂

  • Thanks for the link! I'm impressed you're able to post links every week with all that you do – and flattered that you took the time to read my post!

  • Thanks, Kristna and Cynthia! And Elizabeth, I loved your post! I want to read all of them now. You're a great writer.

  • Wow–thank you Meghan. This is really great. I really appreciate the time it took for you to cull all this from the Internets–I don't really need to visit any websites anymore, just yours! 🙂 The most fascinating piece was about the 1000 True Fans. Which is problematic. Because a reader will fork over 30 bucks to a publisher, but I'm not convinced he/she would do so directly to the author. Maybe in the future? Either way, lots of great content here! Thanks for posting it all! And thanks for the link to my page–you're one classy act.

  • Sam – I love your blog! And I agree that the 1000 True Fans doesn't work for writers. For us to get $100 per year from every "true fan," they'd have to buy about 30 hardcovers from us every year. My own father isn't going to buy more than three or four copies of each of my books, which will probably come out every three years (assuming I publish books some day). So WHO is going to spend $100 a year on a writer? Maybe for editing services, but that's a different ballgame. Anyway, thanks for stopping by!