This week, I’m introducing a series of YouTube videos that I am creating to give readers who don’t have a lot of time to read long blog posts quick access to information about writing, editing, publishing, and social media. To be sure you don’t miss any, click on the red “Subscribe to my videos on YouTube” button on the right. I have posted two thus far, the second of which is embedded below. Have a great weekend!
Great post! Great use of time and media! I have a question: I enjoy blogging, and I have a Facebook page, on which I basically only post when I put up a new blog post, but I really can't get into Twitter or idle chit-chat on Facebook. It's not really me — I'm trying and I'm probably getting better at it, but it's just not me. Should I keep trying, or give up and just keep going with the blog?
Louise, If you don't like Twitter, don't bother. But on FB, I would make an effort to post more than just your blog posts so your page doesn't come across as overly spammy. It doesn't need to be idle chit chat, it can be links to articles you find interesting, photos of books covers you like, videos of me blabbing about blogging 🙂 … but if every post is "read my blog," you'll lose followers.
Aw, Meghan, you're just so dang cute. Love watching your (smart) videos even when you don't shake your white girl groove thang with Milli Vanilli.
I think it will be a long time before you see me shake my groove thing again, Kristen!
Love the reminder that blogging isn't the only way to get our writing out there! I mean, does anyone submit to magazines anymore? Haha. I kid — I know they get tons of submissions — but it seems like no one talks about that anymore. Nowadays it's all platform, platform, platform. And by platform, I mean social media. 😛
It's true that it's more difficult than ever to get articles published in magazines. But yes, people are doing it! Here at the SF Grotto, authors are publishing in the New York Times, O, Wired, Salon, etc. every week.
[…] Should All Authors Blog? « Writerland – Meghan Ward'm a freelance writer and book editor represented by Andy Ross of the Andy Ross Literary Agency. You can read an excerpt of my memoir, Paris On Less Than $10,000 A Day, and visit my website for more info about me. […]
Good to read your post 🙂
Blogging is a great passion for which we should work hard ans make good research. I hope it will give you excellent visitors whoo are looking related contents over the internet. Thanks for sharing these important tips for us.