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Write Your Memoir During Lockdown

Lockdown is the perfect time to work on your memoir or finish that personal essay you started months ago. Writing from your Life is a five-week ONLINE workshop that begins Tuesday, May 5. The class is asynchronous, so you can do the work when it’s convenient for you. Sign up here before it’s too late!


Writerland Works: “Getting Unstuck” by Teresa K. Miller

Today I’d like to introduce Writerland Works, original works written for Writerland readers. This week Teresa K. Miller, author of the poetry collection Sped, writes about “Getting Unstuck” as a writer.

Photo by Dalton Lasnier

Twenty minutes down the dirt road from San Gerardo, the downpour breached every seam in my jacket, and […]

Personal Essay vs Memoir

Constance Hale, author of the must-have guide to language Sin and Syntax and the forthcoming Vex, Hex, Smash, Smooch, sent this description of the difference between personal essay and memoir to everyone at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto. I found it so insightful, I asked her if I could share with you:

“Personal essay is […]

When Should We Limit Literary License?

An interesting discussion took place over lunch here at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto last week. The topic: literary license. The talk was sparked by The Lifespan of a Fact, a book co-authored by essayist John D’Agata, who teaches at the University of Iowa, and his former fact checker, Jim Fingal, that was published by […]

The Importance of Sitting on the Floor

Happy Thanksgiving! May everyone get their fill of turkey or Tofurkey and stuffing and sweet potatoes and family love (or dysfunction) and then take a big long nap before getting up for seconds. Also don’t forget to test your world hunger IQ so a hungry child can have a filling meal, too. It only takes […]