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Twitter and (Real) Pirates: Social Media for a Cause

Social media has many raisons d’être—to advertise, to entertain, to build relationships with other people—and every now and then there’s an opportunity to use it for a greater good, whether to raise money for a great cause or to help a fella out. This is one of those opportunities.

Still from a video released […]

My Favorite Social Media Tools

Social Media: Sigh. We know we need to do it in order to build our author platforms so we can get agents and book deals and make money selling those books, but it can be exhausting. And it never ends. You tweet and you post and you circle and you link and you connect and […]

Hottest Social Networks of 2014



In 2012, Twitter and Pinterest rose to prominence, and Facebook bought Instagram and went public. In 2013, Twitter released Vine and went public, Google+ starting gaining traction, and SnapChat turned down a $3 billion offer from Facebook. What will 2014 bring?


1. Google+, Google+, Google+

2014 is going to be all […]

How NOT to Promote Your Book

Don’t do this to your friends







Here’s a common scenario.

I say to a friend, “I wonder what Sarah is up to. I haven’t heard from her since we were in that writers’ group three years ago.”

Friend: “I haven’t heard from her either. I googled her once, […]

How Much Should You Share Online?

The leak of the NSA’s Prism program has everyone thinking about online privacy. In addition to wondering whether your emails to your grandmother are being monitored by the government, you need to think about how much is safe to share on social media networks. The New York Times rule (“Don’t do anything […]

How to Convert Your Followers into 1000 True Fans

If you’ve been reading blogs for a while, you have probably come across the term “1000 true fans.” Kevin Kelly first wrote about this idea on his blog Technium. The number 1000 is an estimate, of course, but the rationale goes that all you need to succeed in your field are 1000 true fans, […]

10 Twitter Tips for Authors (and everyone else)

1. Use your name/brand as your Twitter handle. For the same reason that you want your name on your blog and your Facebook page, people won’t realize that Kiala Givehand is “supercoolwriter,” whose Tweets they follow and love, when they see her book in the bookstore, and they won’t buy it. Unlike on Facebook, […]

Vine: A Social Media Video Tool For Introverts

For those of you who were intimidated by the thought of marketing yourself on YouTube, here’s a video tool for you.Vine, Twitter’s new social media video app, allows you to make short videos on your computer or mobile device and easily upload them to your Vine, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. The catch? The videos are […]

Social Media: How to Avoid Burnout

Happy 2013!

If you’re an astute Writerland reader, you noticed that I took a break from social media over the holidays. I didn’t blog, I didn’t tweet, I didn’t Facebook or Google+ or pin. I played Angry Birds (the board game, not the iPhone app), Rush Hour, and Munchkin, I solved the Perplexus Rookie […]

How Many Social Networks Are Enough?

Last month I registered for the BlogHer 13 conference, which will take place in Chicago July 25-27 of next year, and I’m very excited! The early bird rate has ended, but there’s a $299 holiday discount right now, so grab that if you haven’t already bought your ticket, so we can hang out in Chicago […]