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Don’t Be An iPhoney

My life is insane this week. In addition to training for a half-marathon, editing two books, and touring every kindergarten in California, I’ve been left to take care of two snot-nosed kids (literally, there are balls of snotty toilet paper all over the house) alone while my husband is out of town on a business […]

How to Manage Your Online Afterlife

The week before Christmas, I looked at my birthday notifications on Facebook and saw that it was my friend Chris’s birthday. Facebook has this new feature that allows you to wish your friends happy birthday without even visiting their walls. But because I know some people post fake birthdays to protect their privacy, if I […]

Writerly New Year’s Resolutions

What are your New Year’s resolutions? Mine are:

1. Run the Oakland Half Marathon on March 25, no matter how slowly. I ran this marathon in 2010, and then in 2011 I wimped out after a 10-mile run two weeks before because I hadn’t trained enough. My ego didn’t want to run it slower than […]

2011 Books in Review

Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s almost 2012? I feel like I’m living in the future.

Sierra Godfrey’s post last week reminded me that I used to wrap up the year with a list of the books I’d read that year. My goal is always to read two books a month, and with two […]

Interview with Red Room founder and CEO Ivory Madison

Some of you may be familiar with Red Room, a social network and marketing platform for authors that boasts superstar members like Margaret Atwood, Naomi Wolf, Jonathan Lethem, Erica Jong, Salman Rushdie, Dave Eggers, and Amy Tan. What you may not know is that on October 24, Red Room launched the “the world’s only authors’ […]

12 Ways to Overcome Writer’s Block

Many people think they never get writer’s block. They see writer’s block as this weird disease that only people like Hemingway got once they had published ten books and had run out of things to say. But almost every writer I know has days when she sits down at her computer and doesn’t want to […]