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RIP Victor Martinez

We’re sad here at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto to announce the death of poet and novelist Victor Martinez. His bio on the Harper Collins website reads: Victor Martinez was born and raised in Fresno, California, the fourth in a family of twelve children. He attended California State University at Fresno and Stanford University, and […]

The Guilt-Free and Transformative Power of Poetry

Today we have a guest post from Teresa K. Miller on what it’s like to be a poet in a prose-reader’s world …

Compared to prose writers I know, I spend a lot less time actually writing. I find that if I make myself write when I’m not inspired, I largely produce work I could […]

Survey Results: How Writers Support Themselves

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the survey. You guys are awesome. Here are the results:

Sixty-five writers took the survey. Of those, 42% are novelists, 18% are nonfiction and/or memoir writers, and the rest are broken down below. 43% of the writers support themselves through non-writing-related jobs (see below for a […]

Link Love

There’s been a lot of talk about slow blogging lately, including a great post from Anne Allen on why quality if more important than quantity, another from Sierra on why she’s switching from five days a week to three days a week, and yet another by Roni, who’s also switching from five days a week […]