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Create a Writing Habit in 2020

Happy New Year! It’s time to make good on those New Year’s resolutions to WRITE MORE, FINISH THAT BOOK, or RECORD THOSE MEMOIRS. Whatever your writing goals, you’ll benefit from developing a daily writing habit, and that’s where THE WRITING HABIT comes in. I’ve taught this popular class at The Writers Grotto in San Francisco, but this is the first time it’s available ONLINE, which means you can take it in your pajamas while eating pineapple on the beach in Kerala. The best part is the class is asynchronous, which means I’ll upload each lesson Tuesday, but you can do the work at your own pace and check in with me and the other students throughout the week when it’s convenient for you. But don’t mull it over. The class starts in just six days, so ENROLL HERE NOW.

Mishka says, “Don’t loaf around. Get off your butt and start writing.”

More Writing Classes

In addition to The Writing Habit, I’m offering three more classes this winter session:


Edit Yourself (Berkeley)

Sunday, January 26, 10am-4pm



Memoir for Beginners (Berkeley)

Sunday, February 23, 10am-4pm



Edit Yourself  (*Online*)

Wednesdays, February 26-March 18








Please spread the word to your writer friends, and Happy Writing!


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