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Memoir Classes, Litquake, the Writers Grotto, the Nobel Prize, and more

While we’re all getting ready for a Covid Halloween, the impending election, and a possible return to school, the literary world is all ablaze. News this month:

Writing from Your Life

My six-week online memoir class starts in just one week. Take advantage of the pandemic to turn your life stories into pixels. This is […]

What is the worst thing you’ve written?

When I heard the Grotto was doing a fundraiser for Litquake called Regreturature, I signed up without even thinking about what I would read. I figured all I had to do was look through the 3x2x2-foot box full of journals I’d written over the years, and I’d find all kinds of jewels. I remembered, for […]

Writing, Publishing, Social Media News

Just a few updates for my peeps here in the Bay Area, in case you’re not following me on Twitter or Facebook. (What? You’re not? Get on over there and follow/like me. You won’t regret it!)

1. I’ll be telling a story at the Porchlight storytelling series this Monday at 8 p.m. at the Verdi […]

Litquake + The Writers’ Grotto

I hope those of you who are Bay Area Writers are attending readings at Litquake, San Francisco’s Literary Festival, this week. If you haven’t yet, there’s still time! The festival ends Saturday, culminating in the super-awesome Lit Crawl during which nearly 400 writers will read their work in 60 different venues throughout the Mission District […]

Meghan’s Intermittent Link Love

First of all, I’m sad that Bloglines is going out of business, and I need to transfer my feeds FAST because I just got notice, and they’re closing at the end of the month. I know all you cool cats probably use Google Reader, but then I don’t think that Google Reader existed when I […]