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Link Love

It’s been two weeks already since I posted links! Here we go:

Agent Nathan Bransford has a post on creating a Series Bible. A Series Bible is to a book (or series of books) what a script supervisor is to a movie—the person who makes sure a character’s hair looks the same in each scene and that they’re wearing the correct blouse, etc. to give the illusion of continuity.

And via Nathan, a post from the Gatekeeper on whom to thank in your acknowledgments.

Agent Rachelle Gardner asks what do you give up in order to write? And she has another great post about what goes into a publishing contract.

As usual, editor Alan Rinzler has a great post on eavedropping on conversations to help you write authentic dialogue, a practice I highly recommend. And another on building courage as a writer. His advice? Go skydiving!

Intern gives her thoughts on book trailers for unpublished books, which I found intriguing since I was considering making one myself.

Samuel Park writes about the future of books and why he thinks they’re around to stay. And he has another great post about the power of coincidence, or, how much luck plays a role in your getting published. I love Samuel’s blog. If you haven’t yet subscribed to it, go do it right now!

Roni at Fiction Groupie has a post on e-publishing and whether you should go that route.

Jane Friedman at No Rules talks about managing multiple identities online.

Last but not least, from Literary Agency Upstart Crow, can you boil your book down to 25 words or less? These people did.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you writing moms out there! I hope they serve you breakfast in bed!

6 comments to Link Love

  • Thanks for the link love! I'll have to go check out the others I missed. Hope you have a great day. 🙂

  • To be honest, book trailers do nothing for me. Whether the books are published or not. So I dunno if that opinions matters to you, but it’s more food for thought.

    Love Jane’s piece on multiple identities. I don’t want a pen name (vanity – I want credit for my work!) but I have been considering a Facebook fan page vs. my regular Facebook account, for when I get published and have actual fans. Because I don’t necessarily want my fans to know where I live or what I did last weekend, but I do want them to get to interact with me directly in that popular medium. I wonder what Jane would say about that… (I agree with her about the pointlessness of privacy nowadays.)


    Meghan, I love your blog, too! Thank you for the link love. Can I confess something embarrassing? I meant to include you in my most recent "Link Love" post and then I forgot to–major brain fart. 'Cos I really do love your blog, and especially like how comprehensive and detailed you are. Anyway, thanks for all these great links. I'll have to check them out.

  • Roni – I hope you have a great day, too!

    Kristan – I've seen two book trailers that I really liked, one was Kelly Corrigan's. Someone had given me her book, The Middle Place, as a gift, and I had no interest in reading it until I saw the trailer: The other was about a pastry chef (you may have seen it on Alan Rinzler's blog), but both were for memoirs and featured photos of the writer with her voice over. The ones I've seen for fiction I didn't like as much. As for multiple identities, I have two FB pages – neither one a fan page, but one on which I post pix/info about my kids and one that I keep strictly business. I felt weird having a fan page before having a book published, but the advantage is you can have more than 5000 fans when that time comes!

    Samuel – thanks for almost linking to me! 🙂

  • hahah I love the title of this post!

  • Xavier Williamson

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