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Memoir Monday: Do You Have a Story To Tell?

First, I just have to say, this is my 100th blog post! I started Writerland in November, and so far I’ve made some really wonderful blog buddies (Sierra, Kristan, Jackie, Kristen, Christie, and J.P. to name but a few), and I want to thank you all for stopping by on a regular basis. It’s people […]

How writing is like running

I recently finished Haruki Murakami’s memoir What I Talk About When I Talk About Running. I was anxious to read it because I took up running recently. First, let me backup and give you a history of my running. I first ran in my 20s when I was considering signing up for a self-awareness training […]

Link Love

Agent Kirsty McLaughlan, guest blogging for Strictly Writing, gives seven tips for getting an agent.

From the Guardian via Elizabeth at Fog City Writer, is crowfunding the way of the future?

Also from the Guardian, is your reading suffering from multimedia overload?

Agent Rachelle Gardner warns writers to think hard before self-publishing while editor Alan […]