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Memoir: Finding Your Story

A friend of mine wants to turn her diaries into a memoir but doesn’t know where to begin. I read one of her diaries and marked all the passages that I found interesting—stories about dating, details about finances, notes about current events that took place a decade ago. Those details will be invaluable when adding […]

Butt in chair stick-to-it-iveness

This week I’m reposting one of my favorite posts—because I think we all need to be reminded now and then of the importance of keeping our butts in the chair.

I’m writing again for the first time in weeks and finding it difficult to sit still in my chair. Today I thought about what works […]

Author Interview: Alison Singh Gee

I am so excited today to introduce my friend Alison Singh Gee, whose debut memoir, Where the Peacocks Sing: A Palace, a Prince and a Search for Home, is on sale TODAY.

Where the Peacocks Sing is the beautiful saga of a glamorous Jimmy Choo-wearing magazine journalist living in Hong Kong who falls in […]

Why I Hate Princesses

My three-year-old daughter refuses to wear pants. She will only wear dresses, and they almost always have to be pink. She adores Cinderella, Beauty (what she calls “Belle” from Beauty and the Beast), and Tinkerbell. Her favorite pastime is to dress up in a tutu and dance around the living room to the sounds […]

Are You Listening to All the Wrong Voices?

Today I’d like to welcome guest blogger Laura Joyce Davis, who is here to talk to us about shutting out those nagging voices that tell us to do the laundry, make more money, and clean out the basement—instead of doing what we’re meant to be doing—writing.

Laura Joyce Davis was the winner for fiction […]

The Writerland Challenge: Week Three Check-in

It’s time for our week three Writerland Challenge check-in! Yes, it is nearly time for our week four check-in, but my brain went on vacation last week while I ate way too much food, went to the Dickens Faire in San Francisco (which I highly recommend—it runs for four more weekends), roasted marshmallows at a […]

The Next Big Thing: My New Project

Thank you to Nicola Twrst for inviting me to participate in this blog chain. Nicola writes short stories and novels across various genres, including mystery, romance, and paranormal. Be sure to check her out at Nicola

I’m not really ready to talk about My Next Big Thing because it’s still in the development stage, […]

Forget NaNoWriMo—Take The Writerland Challenge

Let’s Set Our Own Writing Goals This Month Yesterday marked the first day of the 14th annual National Novel Writing Month, and I wish all participants the very best success. For those of you who, like me, do not plan to participate because you’ll likely write 1666 words of crap every day in order to […]

Does Social Media Sell Books?

The $64,000 question when it comes to social media is: Does it sell books? Many authors have written blog posts attempting to answer this question, and the consensus seems to be that yes, done right, social media does sell books, but in modest quantities. In other words, a rock star social media platform does not […]

Personal Essay vs Memoir

Constance Hale, author of the must-have guide to language Sin and Syntax and the forthcoming Vex, Hex, Smash, Smooch, sent this description of the difference between personal essay and memoir to everyone at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto. I found it so insightful, I asked her if I could share with you:

“Personal essay is […]