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The Next Big Thing: My New Project

Thank you to Nicola Twrst for inviting me to participate in this blog chain. Nicola writes short stories and novels across various genres, including mystery, romance, and paranormal. Be sure to check her out at Nicola

I’m not really ready to talk about My Next Big Thing because it’s still in the development stage, […]

The Hunger Games: It’s all about plot, plot, plot.

I have a guest post over at Sierra Godfrey’s blog today about plot in the Hunger Games. With the movie coming out next year, I finally read it (although I don’t typically read YA novels) and what a fun ride. Also, if you’re new to this blog, I would love if you would “follow” it […]

11 Twitter Tips

Because I’m going to be teaching a class on Social Media at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto next month, I’ll be blogging more about social media in the coming weeks. Today: 10 Twitter Tips.

1. Choose a Twitter handle that people will remember. Whether it’s your name (@charliesheen, @meghancward), a cute nickname (@ Mc_Huge, @iamnatedavis), […]