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Lit Starts—The Writers Grotto’s New Series of Books About Writing

News Flash!

We at the Writers Grotto are so excited to announce the launch of a new series of books for writers—LIT STARTS. The first four books in the series (Writing Humor, Writing Dialogue, Writing Character, and Writing Action) will be in bookstores this coming Tuesday, September 10. Each book features an essay […]

Smart Writers Finish Rich

It’s no secret that writers have a difficult time making a living. Unless you’re independently wealthy, you probably have to piece together an income through writing, editing, teaching, and sometimes other day jobs. Very few strike it rich, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get rich!

My friends used to tease me about this […]

7 Tools for Blocking Distractions

Photo courtesy of Audio-Technica via Creative Commons

Today, social media are an important component of a writer’s life, but it’s equally important to know when to turn them off. For some of us, this is no easy task, which is why we need a little help to keep the distractions at bay. […]

Is Your Writing Good Enough?

Do you ever wonder if your writing is good enough? Like, every day? Do you sometimes wonder whether it’s not the publishing industry but YOU that is the problem? That maybe you don’t have it in you to succeed as a writer? That maybe you should have gone to law school after all? You could, […]

How To Be A Little Less Introverted

Last week in my Blogging for Beginners class at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto, a student declared that she doesn’t feel comfortable putting her photo on her blog, something I strongly encourage all my students to do. People want to know what the blogger they’re following looks like, and the more professional the photo, […]

Stress Reduction for Writers

I’ve had insomnia for the past couple of years. Sometimes I’m up from 2-4 or 5 a.m., reading until I fall back to sleep. Other times I sleep through the night but wake up at 5 or 5:30. For a while I took Tylenol PM, then melatonin, but I hate taking sleeping pills. I […]

Email Marketing For Cool People

Today my good friend Alta Peterson over at Alta Peterson Communications has written a wonderful guest post about e-mail marketing. If you think e-mail marketing isn’t for you, think again. Every writer I know uses e-mail marketing once her book comes out to blast an ad with the book cover on the front to all […]

11 Twitter Tips

Because I’m going to be teaching a class on Social Media at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto next month, I’ll be blogging more about social media in the coming weeks. Today: 10 Twitter Tips.

1. Choose a Twitter handle that people will remember. Whether it’s your name (@charliesheen, @meghancward), a cute nickname (@ Mc_Huge, @iamnatedavis), […]

Guest Post—Janice Hardy

Today we have a guest post by author Janice Hardy, whose novel, BLUE FIRE, the second in the fantasy trilogy THE HEALING WARS, hit stores last week. A long-time fantasy reader, Janice always wondered about the darker side of healing. For THE HEALING WARS, she tapped into her own dark side to create a world […]

Katie Crouch Reads at the Grotto Open House

This week and next I’ll be posting a series of videos from the San Francisco Writer’s Grotto Open House, which took place Thursday, September 16. Oscar Villalon, former book review editor for the San Francisco Chronicle and former publisher at McSweeney’s (the inside joke in the video will now make sense) emceed the event. The […]