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Four Book Marketing Tips

Last month I posted an interview with SheBooks co-founder Laura Fraser. This month I want to discuss a few things about what I learned by publishing my first book, Runway, and what I plan to do differently next time.

Photo courtesy of NASA


1. Are you blogging to the wrong audience?

What is […]

5 Easy Ways to Promote Your Book

Last month I wrote about how NOT to promote your book. This week, I want to talk about a few ways you SHOULD promote your book and other writing.

1. Include your website, Facebook page, Twitter handle, etc. in the signature on all your emails. Include your email and Twitter handle (at a minimum) […]

How NOT to Promote Your Book

Don’t do this to your friends







Here’s a common scenario.

I say to a friend, “I wonder what Sarah is up to. I haven’t heard from her since we were in that writers’ group three years ago.”

Friend: “I haven’t heard from her either. I googled her once, […]

How To Be A Little Less Introverted

Last week in my Blogging for Beginners class at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto, a student declared that she doesn’t feel comfortable putting her photo on her blog, something I strongly encourage all my students to do. People want to know what the blogger they’re following looks like, and the more professional the photo, […]

How to Avoid Becoming a Self-Publishing Failure

An essay that ran in Salon two weeks ago titled “I’m a self-publishing failure” recounts how one writer, John Winters, spent countless hours and dollars promoting his book online only to sell a handful of copies. Where did John go wrong? How can you avoid becoming a self-publishing failure?

1. First of all, start […]

Should You Crowdsource Your Book?

Today I want to welcome author and nature photographer Mike Spinak, who is here to talk to us about his children’s book Growing Up Humming (which is wonderful; I bought two copies), his behemoth following on Google+ (45,710 people have circled him), and why he crowdsourced his book (Mike funded the publication of Growing Up […]

Multimedia Books: A Comparison of Publishers

Multimedia ebooks, enhanced books, enriched books, interactive ebooks—whatever you call them, they’re here to stay. As more companies make the foray into multimedia book publishing, authors have greater opportunities than ever to transform their static PDFs into living stories with the addition of audio, video, and graphics.

Below is a comparison of the top multimedia […]

Book Bloggers: The Secret to Book Marketing Success

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram are great for connecting with your friends and your fans, but how can you expand your reach to people who have never heard of you? Self-publishing stars like Amanda Hocking know the secret: book bloggers. Reviews by high-profile book bloggers can make the difference between a […]

Author Interview: She Writes Press Publisher Brooke Warner

Today I’d like to welcome publisher of She Writes Press and founder of Warner Coaching Brooke Warner, who is here to talk about She Writes Press and her new book, What’s Your Book? A Step-by-Step Guide to Get You From Inspiration to Published Author. Next month, Brooke will be back to talk about self-publishing […]

9 SEO Tips for Authors

If you’re a blogger, you’ve probably heard the term “SEO,” short for “search engine optimization.” You may even know what SEO is (a method for improving your website’s ranking in Google and other search engine results). But why should you care about SEO? Because few people look past the first page of results when they […]