Buy “Runway”



Blogging Classes Start Next Week!

A quick announcement to let everyone know that TODAY is the last day to get the early bird discount for Blogging for Beginners, which starts next Monday, June 22, at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto. After today, tuition goes up $25, but you can still enroll right up until the minute class starts (but […]

Four Book Marketing Tips

Last month I posted an interview with SheBooks co-founder Laura Fraser. This month I want to discuss a few things about what I learned by publishing my first book, Runway, and what I plan to do differently next time.

Photo courtesy of NASA


1. Are you blogging to the wrong audience?

What is […]

Six Ways to Build Your Author Platform

Tuesday night, I had the privilege of attending Sin and Syntax author Constance Hale’s class The Book Biz from A to Z at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto. One of the topics that arose was platform.

Today, every agent and editor wants to know that you have a platform before representing/buying your book. But […]

Transmedia Storytelling: A Guide for Authors

A phrase that’s been buzzing around the Internet lately is “transmedia storytelling.” But what is it? And how does it affect you as a writer? Transmedia storytelling is the technique of telling a single story using multiple platforms and technologies in order to expand your audience through multiple avenues of engagement. For example, a YA […]

How NOT to Promote Your Book

Don’t do this to your friends







Here’s a common scenario.

I say to a friend, “I wonder what Sarah is up to. I haven’t heard from her since we were in that writers’ group three years ago.”

Friend: “I haven’t heard from her either. I googled her once, […]

Book Bloggers: The Secret to Book Marketing Success

Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram are great for connecting with your friends and your fans, but how can you expand your reach to people who have never heard of you? Self-publishing stars like Amanda Hocking know the secret: book bloggers. Reviews by high-profile book bloggers can make the difference between a […]

Link Love

I’m posting fewer links this week because I’m on a deadline, but they’re good ones. Check them out!

Jacquelyn Wheeler has a great post on turning dreams into goals.

See JA Konrath’s post about luck and the role it plays in your success.

This guy is writing a novel in six-sentence chapters. Check it out!
