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Link Love

I’m posting fewer links this week because I’m on a deadline, but they’re good ones. Check them out!

Jacquelyn Wheeler has a great post on turning dreams into goals.

See JA Konrath’s post about luck and the role it plays in your success.

This guy is writing a novel in six-sentence chapters. Check it out!


Link Love

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve posted any links, so here are a few that caught my eye. Starting with the heavily anticipated Apple Tablet expected out this March, there is much speculation. According to Apple Insider, Apple filed a patent for a VERY COOL tactile keyboard. The site also reports that Apple […]

Link Love

A quick post-Thanksgiving roundup of links today.

My favorite this week was an inspiring post over at Market My Words about how she (Shelli) went from having no blog followers and many rejection letters to having 350+ followers and a book deal in just one year.

Nathan Bransford has a fabulous post about the […]