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Fall Class at the Grotto

I have two classes coming up. Click the titles to enroll!

Edit Yourself, THIS SUNDAY, September 23

Edit Yourself (with Meghan Ward)

Social Media 2018, Sunday, October 7

This is a new class that will address how social media has changed in the past year and where you should be focusing your energy (Facebook? […]

Just Keep Writing

If you’re like me, you write in fits and starts, not everyday like they say we should. I find that I get easily discouraged. I get gung ho about a project, work at it furiously for two months, receive some negative feedback from someone (which can range anywhere from doubts a non-writer friend expresses about […] vs

I’ve posted about the differences between and before but wanted to share this wonderful infographic. I’ll be teaching Blogging 101 at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto beginning this Wednesday for four weeks. Join me! The class will be small, so everyone will get to workshop two blog posts each week.



10 Reasons to Start Blogging

Every now and then you read a gloom and doom post about blogging like “Is blogging dead?” or “Where are all the bloggers?” Blogging is far from dead. Some people who were blogging five days a week four years ago may have slowed down or quit because they got burned out, and there’s no question […]

Is Your Writing Good Enough?

Do you ever wonder if your writing is good enough? Like, every day? Do you sometimes wonder whether it’s not the publishing industry but YOU that is the problem? That maybe you don’t have it in you to succeed as a writer? That maybe you should have gone to law school after all? You could, […]

Blogging Classes Start This Week!

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, I have two blogging classes starting in the next week at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto. Blogging for Beginners starts this Wednesday, January 29, and I still have two openings. My Six-Week Blogging Workshop begins the following Monday, Feb. 3, and four spaces are available. […]

9 SEO Tips for Authors

If you’re a blogger, you’ve probably heard the term “SEO,” short for “search engine optimization.” You may even know what SEO is (a method for improving your website’s ranking in Google and other search engine results). But why should you care about SEO? Because few people look past the first page of results when they […]

When Should We Limit Literary License?

An interesting discussion took place over lunch here at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto last week. The topic: literary license. The talk was sparked by The Lifespan of a Fact, a book co-authored by essayist John D’Agata, who teaches at the University of Iowa, and his former fact checker, Jim Fingal, that was published by […]

Author Interview: Laura Fraser

This is my 200th post! To celebrate I have an interview with New York Times bestselling author Laura Fraser. Enjoy!

Laura Fraser is a San Francisco-based journalist whose latest book, All Over the Map, is just out in paperback. The book is a travel memoir, and a sequel to her 2001 New York Times bestseller, […]

Best Social Media Books for Authors

A few years ago, I read Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” and the paragraph that stuck with me more than any other was a story about a woman who interviewed Kiyosaki (in Singapore, I think) for a news article. After the interview, she mentioned that she had written a novel, that she’d gotten good […]