You’re working on building your author platform. You’re blogging, you’re tweeting, you’re Linked In, and you’re posting to your Facebook author page. But how can you tell if all those hours spent on the social media treadmill are having an impact?
On your blog, you can monitor how many unique visitors and page views […]
We’ve talked about branding and how important it is to present yourself professionally online through your website, blog, Tweets, and Facebook page. But what about in person? How do you present yourself to the world? Are you the kookie artist with the wild hair and the scrappy jeans? The clean-cut professional who wears twin sets […]
It’s been two weeks already since I posted links! Here we go:
Agent Nathan Bransford has a post on creating a Series Bible. A Series Bible is to a book (or series of books) what a script supervisor is to a movie—the person who makes sure a character’s hair looks the same in each scene […]
A note about links. I love reading other people’s links because we all follow different blogs and others post great links that I may have missed. That said, I find it really difficult to keep up with everyone’s blogs and to post all the best links here every Friday. I don’t like to post only […]
The winner of this month’s Writerland contest is …
Kristan, e-mail me your address and to whom you’d like the book addressed (Kristan, Kristan the Magnificent, etc.) to meghan (at) meghanward (dot) com. Then, whenever you’re ready, send me 20 pages of your manuscript or a short story, and I will critique it and […]
Nathan Bransford posted this great vlog last week about the importance of nailing down your 200-word pitch. If you haven’t seen the video, check it out. But first, let me ask you … what is your elevator pitch? In one or two sentences, what is your book about? I need to work on mine, but […]
There will be a few changes around Writerland in 2010, the first of which is the introduction of contests! I’ll also be adding some non-writing posts in the next week, and in February … a new design! So let’s get started. The prize for January’s contest is your choice of one of the books below. […]
Wow. This week I’m actually going to post my favorite links on Friday like all the cool people do!
Editor Alan Rinzler over at The Book Deal has a detailed post on memoir with seven tips for combating your inner critic.
Jacquelyn Wheeler breaks down the pros and cons of self-publishing vs traditional publishing.
Shelli […]
A quick post-Thanksgiving roundup of links today.
My favorite this week was an inspiring post over at Market My Words about how she (Shelli) went from having no blog followers and many rejection letters to having 350+ followers and a book deal in just one year.
Nathan Bransford has a fabulous post about the […]
The two most talked about topics on publishing blogs these days are e-books (ie when are you getting one?) and author platforms (ie why don’t you have one?). I’ve covered e-books, now on to platforms. Six months ago, I didn’t know what a platform was. Had never heard the term before. And now, it seems […]