UDPATE: Sign up for Writing from Your Life, an ONLINE class that starts Tuesday, May 5. For the latest version of this list, subscribe to Writerland in the right sidebar to receive 31 Great Places to Publish Personal Essays in your inbox!
I frequently receive e-mails from people looking for places to publish their […]
Just a few updates for my peeps here in the Bay Area, in case you’re not following me on Twitter or Facebook. (What? You’re not? Get on over there and follow/like me. You won’t regret it!)
1. I’ll be telling a story at the Porchlight storytelling series this Monday at 8 p.m. at the Verdi […]
An article I wrote for 7×7 magazine came out today. You parents will especially appreciate this. The kid in the photo even looks a little like mine.
And while you’re here, notice that Facebook “like” box I added over there on the right. If you “like” Writerland or my essay or just plain me (you […]