Last week I received an e-mail from my friend and New York Times contributor Chris Colin inviting me to his book party. But there was a catch. There would be no books at this party. Stranger yet, the book he had written was just 11,000 words and cost only $1.99 or $2.99 depending on […]
When I hear about companies like Blue Ink Review, who charge self-published authors to have their books reviewed by professional book reviewers, I have two thoughts:
1. FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for high quality websites who specialize in self-published book reviews written by professional reviewers to emerge as the gatekeepers of the self-publishing industry.
2. […]
Ethan Nosowsky is Editor-at-Large at Graywolf Press. He is also Consultant for Innovative Literature at the Creative Capital Foundation. Previously he was an editor at Farrar, Straus and Giroux. He has edited books by Jeffery Renard Allen, Emily Barton, Elias Canetti, Geoff Dyer, Stephen Elliott, John Haskell, J. Robert Lennon, and Isaac Bashevis Singer, among […]
A few years ago, I read Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” and the paragraph that stuck with me more than any other was a story about a woman who interviewed Kiyosaki (in Singapore, I think) for a news article. After the interview, she mentioned that she had written a novel, that she’d gotten good […]
1. Buy a book from an independent bookstore I know it’s hard to pay $27 for a hardcover when you can get the same book on Amazon for $17. But it’ll be sad when all the independent bookstores are gone, when we won’t be able to walk down the street and browse the latest fiction […]
As you know if you read/watched Part I of our interview, author Nathan Bransford came to the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto for lunch last week, and I videotaped our interview. This half is really more of a conversation between Nathan and some of the writers at the Grotto, including Po Bronson, Constance Hale, and Caroline […]
I had the pleasure of meeting Nathan Bransford in person last week and interviewing him on video when he came to lunch at the San Francisco Writers’ Grotto, where I write. Here is the first part of the interview with the (edited) transcription below, so you can follow along to see who is asking the […]
If you’re in the market for an iPad case, I demonstrate three of them here, and discuss a fourth. The video is on the long side and, yes, I know the top of my head is chopped off. I’m still new at this VLOG thing!
What about you? Have you tested any iPad cases? […]
There’s been a lot of talk about slow blogging lately, including a great post from Anne Allen on why quality if more important than quantity, another from Sierra on why she’s switching from five days a week to three days a week, and yet another by Roni, who’s also switching from five days a week […]
I love my iPad, and I’m reading more books now that I can download them instantly and read them in bed at night with the lights off, but one of the downsides (besides the difficulty of reading in bright sunlight of buying ebooks is that you can’t resell them, buy them used, or lend them […]